
Updating the sources list for PR2 Debian Packages

There are two working debian package servers for the PR2. When went down, there was a lot of confusion as to where to update/upgrade from. By having two repositories at this moment, we hope to eliminate the possibility that both are down and the community is unable to use the PR2 platform. In the future, we will have set up a back-up of the repository as well.

The first one is the official Clearpath Robotics PR2 package server located at and those packages can be accessed by adding into your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pr2debs.list two lines:

deb precise pr2
deb precise main

If the above link doesn't work, Austin Hendrix has gracefully set up a back-up repository at:

deb precise pr2
deb precise main

These files will install all of the system related debians for the PR2's and basestations. For installing the PR2 ROS Debians, please see or the respective tutorial on the PR2 Clearpath website.

For installing the basestation debians, please do the above but with 'basestation' in place of the 'pr2' specifier in the debian line, as so:

deb precise basestation
deb precise main

Reminder: the repository does not have any of the new hydro debians in them.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Is there a PGP key and signatures available for verifying packages in these repository ?

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    Devon Ash

    Hi Matthieu,

    I have not added GPG keys yet. I plan to add them this after noon :-) Thank you for your letting me know.. I may have forgot

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